
On the tablet version, you’ll find the Tools menu on the Menu Bar. On the mobile version, it’s located inside Configuration.

User Waypoints#

In Tools > User waypoints, you’ll find the list of all your created or imported user waypoints. You can Create User Waypoints from here or the Moving Map. To edit them simply tap on the user waypoint you want to edit. You can delete individual user waypoints by swipping them from right to left or via the Options menu while editing one. You can also search by identifier, name or coordinates and filter them by type or tag.

Additionally, you can backup, restore and share your user waypoints or create tags for them.


Backup waypoints#

In case you want to temporarily remove your user waypoints and use it later, you can backup all your user waypoints by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Tools > User waypoints

  2. Tap Options

  3. Tap Backup waypoints


You can copy and save the backup file with WebDAV Server.

Restore waypoints#

All your backed-up waypoints can be restored back into the app.

  1. Prepare your backup file and make sure to copy it in WebDAV Server

  2. In Air Navigation Pro, go to Tools > User waypoints

  3. Tap Options

  4. Tap Restore waypoints

Share waypoints#

You can also share your waypoints with fellow pilots. We offer three share formats: - Air Navigation Pro format - GPX - Text with Google Maps link

Follow these steps to share your waypoints:

  1. Go to Tools > User waypoints

  2. Tap Options

  3. Tap Select waypoints to share

  4. Tap on the waypoints you want to share. A yellow checkmark indicates the selected ones.

  5. Tap Share icon in the top right corner

  6. Choose a format

  7. Choose the app you want use to share your waypoints


Tags can help you organize and label you user waypoints. Additionally, the color set for the tag will be the color your waypoint icon will have on the Moving Map. Follow the steps below to manage your tags:

  1. Go to Tools > User waypoints

  2. Tap Options

  3. Tap Edit tags

Here you can add, edit and delete tags.

  1. Create a tag via + Add new tag

  2. Choose a name and color for your tag

  3. When you are done, tap Waypoints Tags on tablet version or Back on the mobile version

The changes will be saved automatically. To edit them simply tap on the tag you want to edit. To delete a tag, swipe it from right to left. Then, to assign a tag to your user waypoints, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tools > User waypoints tap on the user waypoint you want to edit

  2. Tap on the Tag field

  3. Tap on the tag you want. A yellow checkmark will indicate it’s selected.

  4. Tap Waypoint Editor on tablet version or Back on the mobile version

You can also create a tag from inside the Waypoint Editor while creating a user waypoint:

  1. Tap on the Tag field

  2. Tap on Edit tags to open the Tag Editor. Here you create a tag as described above.

  3. When you are done, tap Tag on tablet version or Back on the mobile version

  4. Make sure to select the new created tag as it will not be automatically assigned

  5. Go back to the Waypoint Editor to continue working on your user waypoint


Activate the Ruler.


Like a notepad you can write down relevant information such as frequencies, transponder code, pressure data, etc. using your fingers.


This feature is available on tablets, not on phones.

You can access the ScratchPad:


Swipe 3 fingers: On the map, swipe three fingers from right to left


Via Tools menu: On the Menu Bar > Tools > ScratchPad

image87 image88

Display grids#

  1. Open the ScratchPad

  2. Tap the hash sign at the top-left corner.

Display the ScratchPad label#

  1. Open the ScratchPad

  2. Tap the 3 line icon at the top-left corner (beside the hash sign).

Edit the ScratchPad label#

  1. Open the ScratchPad.

  2. Tap the gear icon at the bottom-right corner.

  3. Tap Edit labels.

  4. Modify default labels to your new labels.

  5. Save by tapping OK.

Erase the notes in the ScratchPad#

  1. Open the ScratchPad

  2. Tap the eraser icon at the bottom-left corner.

  3. Tap Erase.

Erase the notes in all pages#

  1. Open the ScratchPad.

  2. Tap the gear icon at the bottom-right.

  3. Tap Erase all pages.

Close the ScratchPad#

  1. Swipe three fingers from left to right or you can just tap the (x) button at the top right corner.


The document browser module lets you access and display PDF documents while planning or during a flight. You can access it on, Tools (on phone: tap Configuration) > Documents

Documents can be added in the Documents browser either by:

  • Installing Approach Charts

  • Sending a PDF documents by Email and using the “Copy to Air Navigation” function in the mail client

  • Using the WebDAV address or Web site URL to copy/upload files from computer

Installing approach charts#

Approach charts come with documents, and once these are installed for the airport waypoint, you can see the whole list of documents associated with them.

After the installation of approach charts, PDF documents are stored and displayed on a per-airfield basis and appear in the indexed list with their identifier, name and country.

  1. Tap Config (For phone: Configuration) > Manage data and products

  2. Tap download icon on Georeferenced Visual approach charts data > select Installed

  3. Tap Tools > (For phone: Configuration) Documents

  4. Tap the name of the waypoint document

You can also import approach charts, see WebDAV Server.

Delete installed approach chart documents#

Approach chart documents are removed via the Manage data panel and not via the Documents.

  1. Tap Config (For phone: Configuration) > Manage data and products

  2. Tap Installed

  3. Select the Georeferenced approach charts

  4. Tap Not Installed

  5. Tap Tools > (For phone: Configuration) Documents

  6. Tap Ok

Search a document#

The search field on the top of the list allows you to look for a specific PDF document in an easier way.

  1. Tap Tools > (For phone: Configuration) Documents

  2. On the search field, input the name of the document

Delete uploaded documents#

Documents that are uploaded can be deleted directly.

  1. Tap Tools > (For phone: Configuration) Documents

  2. Tap the waypoint where the document is located

  3. Swipe the document to left

  4. Tap Delete

Export all the documents#

You can also do bulk export of all the documents that are installed and attached to the waypoint.


  1. Tap Tools > (For phone: Configuration) Documents

  2. Tap More > Share

  3. Tap Share

KML files & Map annotations#

All your imported KML files and created Map Annotations can be seen here.

KML files#

To display the imported specific KML on the Moving Map, tap the file name. A checkmark will appear next to the file name to indicate that the KML is selected. Tap it again to unselect it. Unselected KML files will not be displayed. You can display one or more KML files on the map.

To delete a KML file from the app, swipe the file name from right to left.

For KML files coming from the Manager, they cannot be selected, unselected or deleted on the list; they can only be viewed.


Map Annotations#

Inside the Map Annotations folder, you’ll find the list of all your annotations, including the label, altitude range and remark. Tapping an annotation from the list will center the selected annotation on the map and display its popover.

To delete annotations individually, swipe them from right to left. You can also delete all annotations by tapping the more options icon on the top right corner and then selecting Delete all annotations.

annotation annotation-popup


The logbook is basically a database of stored flight times and details. It contains all the flights you have made with Air Navigation Pro.

You can access it, on the toolbar tap Tools (On phone: tap Configuration) > Logbook

The flights are displayed starting with the most recent.


Example: Displayed all the flights added to the logbook from recent to prior.


Tap in the upper right corner to:

  • Add log entry - create a flight entry manually

  • Send log by email - send the entire logbook flights or selected flight by Email.

  • Set initial time and landings - set the values for time and landings

Once you open the flight time UI on the logbook, you can manually create an entry. Note that the flight time in this instance does not offer an option to set the flight detection. All the fields are manually set except for Block Time and True Flight Time.


Some of the fields are detected once the date and time set on the fields are incorrect: e.g the Landing cannot be before the Take off time. The date and time picker for subsequent time should start at the prior inputted time . e.g. if the Take off is 1 Sep 2019, 11:04 AM, then the landing will be shown from 1 Sep 2019, 11:04 AM onwards.

Add log entry in the Logbook#


  1. Tap Tools (For phone, tap the Configuration) > Logbook

  2. On the upper right corner of the Logbook panel tap

  3. Tap Add log entry

  4. Fill-in all the details of the flight

  5. Tap the back button navigating back to Logbook

Set values for Initial Time and Landings in Logbook#


  1. Tap Tools (For phone, tap the Configuration) > Logbook

  2. On the upper right corner of the Logbook panel, tap

  3. Tap set Initial flight time and landing

Delete a flight in Logbook#

  1. Tap Tools (For phone, tap the Configuration) > Logbook

  2. Select a flight to delete then swipe on the flight from right to left

  3. Tap Delete

Flight recorder#

Air Navigation Pro can record the path you follow while flying. It will start recording as soon as the Off-Block time is set. When the On-Block time is finally set, Air Navigation will stop recording the flight.

For further information, see the Flight Time topic.

Flights can be shared on the web on at

Share all the recorded flights on web#


To push your flight on the web, you should Login first in Air Navigation on your device via Configuration > Account > Sign in

You can choose to either share all your recorded flights on the web or not by enabling the toggle button ON or OFF.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight Recorder

  2. Tap toggle button of “Share all flights on the web”

Show alert message to “Remind me to share my flights”#


The alert message is displayed on the map, to offer you to share the flight.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight recorder

  2. Tap the toggle button of “Remind me to share my flights”

  3. During the flight, alert message is shown on the map and you can select from the following:

    • “Yes” - allows you to send the flight link to anyone

    • “No” - it will dismiss the alert message

    • “Stop asking” - it will dismiss the alert message and will not show the alert message again

Show flight traces of the flight on the map#


This displays the flight traces of the recorded flight on the map. You can also choose from different colour styles.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight Recorder

  2. Tap toggle button of “When flying” to ON

  3. Tap colour varies, you can also choose from the following:

    • No - white traces are shown on the map

    • With altitude - the following colours are applied:

      • 0 - 2,000 ft light grey to green

      • 2,000 - 5,000 ft green to yellow

      • 5,000 - 10,000 ft yellow to orange

      • 10,000 - 15,000 ft orange to red

      • 15,000 - up ft red to white

    • With horizontal speed - the following colours are applied:

      • 0.0 - 10.28 kts dark grey to blue

      • 10.28 - 30.86 kts blue to green

      • 30.86 - 51.44 kts green to yellow

      • 51.44 - 70.02 kts yellow to orange

      • 70.02 - 128.0 kts orange to red

    • With vertical speed - the following colours are applied:

      • -12.0 to -5.0 m/s dark blue to blue

      • -5.0 to 0.0 m/s blue to white

      • 0.0 to 5.0 m/s white to red

      • 5.0 to 12.0 m/s red to darker

Example: Shows the white flight trace on the map. The color varies is set to No.


Show the recorded flight on the map#

This will display the flight traces of the recorded flight on the map.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight recorder > Recorded flights

  2. Tap a flight entry

  3. Select “Show recorded flight”

Hide the recorded flight on the map#

This will hide the flight traces shown on the map.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight recorder > Recorded flights

  2. Tap the “Hide recorded flights from the map”

Replay the recorded flight#

Display the animation of the recorded flight on the moving map.

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Configuration) > Flight recorder > Recorded flights

  2. Tap a flight entry

  3. Tap “Replay this flight”


On the moving map the play, pause and close button, time indicator HH:MM:SS, a moving progress dot and replay speed mod (1x, 2x, 4, 8x) are visible for you to control the replay of the flight.

Delete a recorded flight#

  1. Tap Tools (On phone tap Config.) > Flight recorder > Recorded flight

  2. Select a flight entry then swipe left.

  3. Tap Delete


Deleted flights are only removed on the app, but don’t delete the flights you have pushed on the web. If you want to delete them as well, go to

Recorded flights can also be shared as KML/GPS (see Recorded Flights) and via our web service (see Flight tracking service).


This menu item lets you activate and configure Sensors.